ホットケーキミックス使用オレンジケーキの作り方 : How to bake Orange Cake with pancake mix
Recipe in English
2 oranges
200g of pancake mix
2 eggs
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons of salad oil
1 tablespoon of rum (if you want)
1.Preheat the oven to 180℃
2.Wash oranges with clean water and grate orange skin to zest
3.Peel the skin and take the pith away and cut orange into chunks
4.Mix eggs, sugar, salad oil and rum in a bowl
5.Add orange zest and chunks of orange and mix again
6.Add pancake mix in a bowl and mix them using a rubber spatula in a cutting motion
7.Pour mixed ingredients into a baking tin with a cooking paper and bake for 40 minutes at 180℃ in the oven (if it has burn top of surface in 30 minutes, put foil over the baking tin)
8.When a toothpick or skewer comes out clean after inserted in, the cake is cooked
英語・日本語訳つきレシピ : Recipe in English and Japanese
2 oranges
オレンジ 2個
200g of pancake mix
ホットケーキミックス 200g
2 eggs
卵 2個
2 tablespoons of sugar
砂糖 大さじ2
2 tablespoons of salad oil
サラダ油 大さじ2
1 tablespoon of rum (if you want)
ラム酒 大さじ1(お好みで)
1.Preheat the oven to 180℃
2.Wash oranges with clean water and grate orange skin to zest
3.Peel the skin and take the pith away and cut orange into chunks
4.Mix eggs, sugar, salad oil and rum in a bowl
5.Add orange zest and chunks of orange and mix again
6.Add pancake mix in a bowl and mix them using a rubber spatula in a cutting motion
7.Pour mixed ingredients into a baking tin with a cooking paper and bake for 40 minutes at 180℃ in the oven (if it has burn top of surface in 30 minutes, put foil over the baking tin)
8.When a toothpick or skewer comes out clean after inserted in, the cake is cooked
レシピに出てきた単語 : Vocabulary in this recipe
ingredient(s) 材料
orange(s) オレンジ
pancake mix ホットケーキミックス
egg(s) 卵
tablespoon(s) 大さじ
rum ラム酒
method 方法
preheat 予熱する
grate すりおろす
zest ゼストにする (orange zest→オレンジゼスト)
peel 皮をむく
pith 白いスジ(中果皮)
chunk(s) ぶつ切り・厚切り
mix 混ぜる
bowl ボール
add 加える
rubber spatula ゴムベラ
in a cutting motion 切るように
pour 流す
baking tin 型
cooking paper クッキングペーパー
bake 焼く
burn 焦げ
surface 表面
foil アルミホイル
toothpick つまようじ
skewer 串
insert 差し込む