バジルとガーリックポテトの作り方 : How to make Potato with garlic and basil
Recipe in English
5~6 potatoes
5~10g (15 to 30 leaves) basil (or to your taste)
2 cubes of garlic (crush garlic cubes into small pieces or use crushed garlic)
Bit of salt and pepper
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1.Peel potato skin and cut into 2 to 4 pieces
2.Boil them for 5 minutes, pour it into a sieve and let it cool down
3.Put olive oil and garlic into a frying pan and turn on the stove to low heat
4.Add potatoes and stir fry the surface to medium heat (try not to burn garlic)
5.Add salt, pepper and teared basil and stir them a bit.
英語・日本語訳つきレシピ : Recipe in English and Japanese
How to make Potato with garlic and basil
5~6 potatoes
じゃがいも 5・6個
5~10g (15 to 30 leaves) basil (or to your taste)
バジル 5~10g(15~30枚)またはお好みで
2 cubes of garlic (crush garlic cubes into small pieces or use crushed garlic)
にんにく 2かけ(みじん切りにする、又はにんにくチューブを使う)
Bit of salt and pepper
塩・胡椒 各少々
2 tablespoons of olive oil
オリーブ油 大さじ2
1.Peel potato skin and cut into 2 to 4 pieces
2.Boil them for 5 minutes, pour it into a sieve and let it cool down
3.Put olive oil and garlic into a frying pan and turn on the stove to low heat
4.Add potatoes and stir fry the surface to medium heat (try not to burn garlic)
5.Add salt, pepper and teared basil and stir them a bit.
It’s ready to serve.
レシピに出てきた単語 : Vocabulary in this recipe
potato(es) じゃがいも
leaves 葉
basil バジル
to your taste お好みで
cube かけら
garlic にんにく
crush 潰す
into small pieces みじん切り
crushed garlic にんにくチューブ(直訳はガーリックを潰したもの)
salt 塩
pepper 胡椒
tablespoon 大さじ
method 方法
peel むく
potato skin じゃがいもの皮
boil 茹でる
pour 注ぐ
sieve ざる
cool down 粗熱をとる
frying pan フライパン
stove ガスコンロ
low heat 弱火
stir fry 炒める
surface 表面
medium heat 中火
to burn 焦げる
teared basil 手でちぎったバジル