【英語でレシピ】さんまのかば焼き缶詰の炊き込みご飯 How to make steamed rice with a tin of Sanma (Pacific saury)


さんまのかば焼き缶詰の炊き込みご飯の作り方 : How to make steamed rice with a tin of Sanma (Pacific saury)


Recipe in English


2 cups of rice

△2 tablespoons of mentsuyu (See the Japanese noodle soup base recipe)

△10cc tube of ginger or 10g of ginger

△3 tablespoons of cooking sake

40g of mushroom

A tin of sanma (about 100g)


1. Slice ginger thinly and slice or cut mushroom into small pieces. 

2. Wash rice with cold water a few times.

3. Add washed rice and △, and add water up to usual amount of water for 2 cups of rice
(If you use a pan for cook, add washed rice, △ and 2 cups of water into a pan)

4. Add sanma sauce from the tin and mix.

5. Add mushroom and sanma, and steam.
(If you use a stove to make steamed rice, see the steamed rice recipe)

6. After completion, loosen Sanma and mix rice gently.

英語・日本語訳つきレシピ : Recipe in English and Japanese


2 cups of rice
米 2合

△2 tablespoons of mentsuyu (See the Japanese noodle soup base recipe)
△めんつゆ 大さじ2(めんつゆの作り方を参照ください)

△10cc tube of ginger or 10g of ginger
△生姜 約10g(または生姜チューブ10㏄)

△3 tablespoons of cooking sake
△酒 大さじ3

40g of shiitake mushroom
シイタケ 約40g

A tin of sanma (about 100g)
さんまの缶詰 1個(約100g)

方法(how to make 作り方)

1. Slice ginger thinly and slice or cut mushroom into small pieces. 

2. Wash rice with cold water a few times.

3. Add washed rice and △, and add water up to usual amount of water for 2 cups of rice
(If you use a pan for cook, add washed rice, △ and 2 cups of water into a pan)


4. Add sanma sauce from the tin and mix.

5. Add mushroom and sanma, and steam.
(if you use a stove to make steamed rice, see the steamed rice recipe)


6. After completion, loosen Sanma and mix rice gently.

レシピに出てきた単語 : Vocabulary in this recipe

ingredients 材料

Japanese noodle soup base めんつゆ

tablespoon 大さじ

tube チューブ

ginger 生姜

cooking sake 料理酒

(shiitake) mushroom しいたけ

Pacific saury さんま

tin 缶(アメリカではcan)

method 方法

how to make 作り方

slice thinly 細切り

pan 鍋

steam 蒸す(炊く)

stove コンロ

completion 完成

loosen ほぐす

gently 優しく
