チキンライスの作り方 : How to make Chicken Rice with Tomato ketchup
Recipe in English
2 cups of medium rice
2 cups of water
½ of onion
1 green pepper
4 tablespoons of corn
150g of chicken mince or 3-4 sausages
1 tablespoon of sake or white wine
1 cube of chicken stock
1 tablespoon of HP sauce or Japanese sauce
5 tablespoons of tomato ketchup
Little bit of salt
Little bit of pepper
1.Wash rice with cold water and drain water with a sieve
2.Cut onion and green pepper into small pieces (and the same method for sausages if you use)
3.Add all ingredients into a pan (or a rice cooker) and mix them
4.Put it on a stove with a high flame with a lid on
5.When it starts boiling, turn down to low heat and steam for 15 minutes
6.Turn off the heat and leave 15-30 minutes to steam
(or use a rice cooker for 4th to 6th methods)
英語・日本語訳つきレシピ : Recipe in English and Japanese
How to make Chicken rice with tomato ketchup
2 cups of medium rice
米 2合
2 cups of water
水 2合
½ of onion
玉ねぎ ½個
1 green pepper
ピーマン 1個
4 tablespoons of corn
コーン 大さじ4
150g of chicken mince or 3-4 sausages
鶏肉ミンチ 150g
1 tablespoon of sake or white wine
酒または白ワイン 大さじ1
1 cube of chicken stock
コンソメキューブ 1個
1 tablespoon of HP sauce or Japanese sauce
HPソースまたは中濃ソース 大さじ1
5 tablespoons of tomato ketchup
ケチャップ 大さじ5
Little bit of salt
塩 少々
Little bit of pepper
胡椒 少々
1.Wash rice with cold water and drain water with a sieve
2.Cut onion and green pepper into small pieces (and the same method for sausages if you use)
3.Add all ingredients into a pan (or a rice cooker) and mix them
4.Put it on a stove with a high flame with a lid on
5.When it starts boiling, turn down to low heat and steam for 15 minutes
6.Turn off the heat and leave 15-30 minutes to steam
(or use a rice cooker for 4th to 6th methods)
It’s ready to serve!
レシピに出てきた単語 : Vocabulary in this recipe
tomato ketchup ケチャップ
Ingredients 材料
medium rice 白米
green pepper ピーマン
tablespoon(s) 大さじ
chicken mince 鶏肉ミンチ
sausage(s) ソーセージ
sake 酒
white wine 白ワイン
△ cube(s) of~ △個(四角い固形の数え方)
HP sauce HPソース
Japanese brown sauce 中濃ソース
salt 塩
pepper 胡椒
Method 方法
drain water 水気を切る
sieve ざる
pan 鍋
rice cooker 炊飯器
stove コンロ
high flame 強火
lid 蓋
turn down to low heat (コンロの火を)弱火にする
Turn off 止める
steam 蒸す