オートミールガトーショコラの作り方 : How to make Oatmeal Gateau au Chocolat (Chocolate Cake)
Recipe in English
150g oatmeal* (powdered if you prefer not to have any chunks)
150g tofu
4 tablespoons aquafaba
30g maple syrup
30g cocoa powder
5g baking powder
1. Mix tofu, aquafaba and maple syrup in a bowl
2. Mix oatmeal, cocoa powder and baking powder in another bowl
3. Add oatmeal, cocoa powder and baking powder and mix them
4. Pour the mixed dough into a microwave safe container, heat in 600w microwave for 5 minutes (or until surface gets dry)
*Half the portion should be heated for 3-4 minutes (powdered oatmeal is about 3 minutes, without powdered oatmeal is about 4 minutes)
5. Get it out of container and cool it down
6. Cut into 4-6 pieces and it’s ready to serve
英語・日本語訳つきレシピ : Recipe in English and Japanese
150g oatmeal* (powdered if you prefer not to have any chunks/grains)
オートミール 150g(オートミールのかたまり/粒がない方がいい場合は粉末にする)
150g tofu
豆腐 150g
4 tablespoons aquafaba
アクアファバ 大さじ4
30g maple syrup
メープルシロップ 30g
30g cocoa powder
ココアパウダー 30g
5g baking powder
ベーキングパウダー 5g


1. Mix tofu, aquafaba and maple syrup in a bowl

2. Mix oatmeal, cocoa powder and baking powder in another bowl

3. Add oatmeal, cocoa powder and baking powder and mix them

4. Pour the mixed dough into a microwave safe container, heat in 600w microwave for 5 minutes (or until surface gets dry)
*Half the portion should be heated for 3-4 minutes (powdered oatmeal is about 3 minutes, without powdered oatmeal is about 4 minutes)

5. Get it out of container and cool it down
6. Cut into 4-6 pieces and it’s ready to serve

レシピに出てきた単語 : Vocabulary in this recipe
oatmeal オートミール
prefer 好む
chunk かたまり
grains 粒オートミールのかたまり/粒がない方がいい場合は粉末にする)
powder 粉末
tofu 豆腐
tablespoon 大さじ
aquafaba アクアファバ
maple syrup メープルシロップ
cocoa powder ココアパウダー
baking powder ベーキングパウダー
mix 混ぜる
bowl ボール
add 加える
pour 注ぐ・流し入れる
dough 生地
microwave 電子レンジ
microwave safe container 電子レンジ対応耐熱容器
heat 加熱する
surface 表面
half the portion 半量
cut into 〇 pieces 〇等分
ready to serve 出来上がり