ホットケーキミックス使用りんごパウンドケーキの作り方 : How to bake Apple Pound Cake with pancake mix
Recipe in English
margarine (100g)
sugar (3 tablespoons)
eggs (2)
pancake mix (200g (see how to make pancake mix))
apples (2)
1.Preheat the oven to 180 ℃.
2.Slice apples into 1/8ths, cut small pieces or aim for about 5 mm width.
3.Add margarine and sugar into a bowl and mix them. *➀
4.Add eggs into ① and mix. *②
5.Add pancake mix into ② and blend roughly.
6.Add sliced apples into the bowl and blend well.
7.Place all ingredients into a cake tin, then put it in the oven for 35 to 40 minutes. (if a toothpick or skewer comes out clean after inserted in, the cake is cooked.)
8.Take out the cake from the tin and leave it until it cools down.
英語・日本語訳つきレシピ : Recipe in English and Japanese
margarine (100g)
マーガリン (100g)
sugar (3 tablespoons)
砂糖 (大さじ3)
eggs (2)
卵 (2個)
apples (2)
りんご (2個)
pancake mix 200g(see how to make pancake mix)
ホットケーキミックス 200g(ホットケーキミックスの作り方参照)
1.Preheat the oven to 180 ℃.
2.Slice apples into 1/8ths, cut small pieces or aim for about 5 mm width.
3.Add margarine and sugar into a bowl and mix them. *➀
4.Add eggs into ① and mix. *②
5.Add pancake mix into ② and blend roughly.
6.Add sliced apples into the bowl and blend well.
7.Place all ingredients into a cake tin, then put it in the oven for 35 to 40 minutes.
(If a toothpick or skewer comes out clean after inserted in, the cake is cooked.)
8.Take out the cake from the tin and leave it until it cools down.
レシピに出てきた単語 : Vocabulary in this recipe
method 方法
how to bake 焼き方
ingredients 材料
margarine マーガリン
sugar 砂糖
tablespoon 大さじ
egg 卵
pancake mix ホットケーキミックス
preheat 予熱する
slice 切る・スライスする
apple リンゴ
1/8ths 1/8サイズ
aim for~ ~を目指す・~を狙う
width 幅
add 加える
bowl ボール
mix 混ぜる
blend 混ぜる
roughly 大雑把に
place 配置する
cake tin ケーキ型
toothpick つまようじ
skewer 串
insert 差し込む・挿入する
cool down 冷める